Rhywogaethau Pysgod Aquarium


The copper tetra or Hasemania, scientific name Hasemania nana, belongs to the Characidae family. It is considered one of the best Tetras for the general aquarium due to its bright coloration, excellent compatibility with other popular fish, hardiness and unpretentiousness.



It comes from the San Francisco River basin (port. Rio São Francisco) from the territory of Brazil. It occurs in small streams, rivers and channels of the main channel. The habitat experiences seasonal fluctuations in water levels, and the river itself flows through hilly, in places mountainous terrain.

Gwybodaeth fer:

  • Cyfaint yr acwariwm - o 70 litr.
  • Tymheredd - 23-28 ° C
  • Gwerth pH - 6.0-8.0
  • Caledwch dŵr - meddal i galed (5-20 dGH)
  • Math o swbstrad - unrhyw
  • Goleuo - darostwng
  • Dŵr hallt – na
  • Symudiad dŵr – cymedrol
  • Mae maint y pysgod hyd at 5 cm.
  • Bwyd - unrhyw fwyd
  • Anian - heddychlon
  • Cadw mewn praidd o o leiaf 8-10 o unigolion


Adults reach a length of about 5 cm. The color is silvery with a rich copper tint. Most of the caudal peduncle is dark, the tips of the tail and fins are white. Females are more modestly colored, the colors are not so saturated.


Absolutely not pretentious appearance, the walls accept all types of popular food (dry, frozen, live). Their quality and composition largely affect the color of the fish, so strive to purchase food only from well-known and reputable manufacturers.

Cynnal a chadw a gofal, trefniant yr acwariwm

For a group of fish of 8-10 individuals, a tank of 70 liters or more will be required. Hasemania is not demanding in the design of the aquarium and adapts perfectly to various water conditions. The only recommendation is the presence of subdued lighting, because in bright light the color of the fish noticeably fades, becomes nondescript.

Ymddygiad a Chydnawsedd

A peaceful schooling fish, kept in a group of at least 8–10 individuals, with a smaller number become somewhat aggressive, although with their size it is unlikely that they will be able to cause problems to their neighbors. Compatible with many well-known aquarium species, including viviparous, zebrafish, rasboras, corydoras catfish, some gourami, South American cichlids and others.

Bridio / bridio

Mae ymddangosiad ffrio yn bosibl hyd yn oed mewn acwariwm cyffredin, ond bydd eu nifer yn fach iawn a byddant yn lleihau bob dydd os na chânt eu trawsblannu i danc ar wahân mewn pryd. Mae'r bai i gyd ar bysgod oedolion, y mae ffrio yn ychwanegiad gwych i'r diet.

In order to increase the chances of survival and somehow systematize the breeding process (spawning was not spontaneous), it is recommended to use a spawning aquarium, where sexually mature fish are placed during the mating season. Usually this is a small container with a volume of about 20 liters. The design is arbitrary, the main emphasis is on the substrate. In order to protect the eggs from being eaten (Tetra copper eats its own offspring), the bottom is covered with a fine-mesh net, or small-leaved plants or mosses (for example, Java moss). An alternative way is to place a layer of glass beads with a diameter of at least 1 cm. The lighting is subdued, a heater and a simple airlift filter are sufficient from the equipment.

Yr ysgogiad ar gyfer dechrau'r tymor paru yw newid graddol ym mharamedrau dŵr yr acwariwm cyffredin i'r gwerthoedd canlynol: pH 6.0-6.5, dH 5-10 ar dymheredd o tua 28-30 ° C. Dylai sail y diet fod yn fwyd wedi'i rewi neu'n fyw.

Arsylwch y pysgod yn ofalus, cyn bo hir bydd rhai ohonynt yn amlwg yn talgrynnu - benywod wedi chwyddo o gafiâr fydd y rhain. Bydd gwrywod yn dechrau gwneud synau tebyg i gracian - mae hyn yn nodwedd o'r rhywogaeth hon ac yn dangos arwyddion o sylw i'r rhai a ddewiswyd ganddynt. Paratowch a llenwch y tanc silio â dŵr o'r tanc cymunedol. Rhowch y benywod yno, y diwrnod wedyn cwpl o wrywod mawr sy'n edrych yn fwyaf trawiadol.

It remains to wait until spawning occurs, its end can be determined by females, they will “lose weight” greatly, and eggs will be noticeable among the vegetation (under a fine mesh). The fish are returned. The fry will appear within 24-36 hours, after another couple of days they will begin to swim freely in search of food. Feed with specialized microfeed.

Clefydau pysgod

Biosystem acwariwm cytbwys gydag amodau addas yw'r warant orau yn erbyn unrhyw glefydau, felly, os yw'r pysgod wedi newid ymddygiad, lliw, smotiau anarferol a symptomau eraill yn ymddangos, gwiriwch y paramedrau dŵr yn gyntaf, a dim ond wedyn ewch ymlaen i driniaeth.

Gadael ymateb